Tapered driven metal piles are a reliable, fast and inexpensive solution for installing a foundation of any degree of complexity. They are indispensable in difficult geological conditions, when it is not possible to use reinforced concrete piles due to the high density of the soil.
Production and delivery of conical metal piles with a diameter of 108 to 530 mm are carried out. Cone driven piles can be built in depth up to 90 meters - this is feasible for any soil except rock and permafrost.
Benefits of driven piles:
- driven metal piles can be mounted at any time of the year and under any climatic conditions;
- excavation is not required, which significantly reduces the duration of the construction process;
- the use of piles of this type reduces the cost of activities of the zero construction cycle (driven metal piles are cheaper than bored piles by about 2-2.5 times);
Заб driven metal piles can be used on uneven terrain and complex soils characterized by high hardness of the soil;
- reliability - almost all bridges and embankments are built on driven piles;
- environmental friendliness - the foundations on piles are environmentally friendly, the environment is not damaged during their installation.
Piles can be used with a significant level of groundwater in the area where construction is ongoing.
The pile foundation does not affect the flow of groundwater - which is its advantage over the traditional foundation, often requiring the artificial movement of such waters.
Calculation, manufacture and delivery of conical driven metal piles is carried out on the basis of a questionnaire or technical specifications of the Customer.