+7 (347) 253 87 13 (UTS/GMT+5) اوقات کار: از دوشنبه الی جمعه از ساعت 9 صبح تا 18 ادرس تماس: شهر اوفا بولوار خ دولیتشینا ساختمان 23 اوفیس 5

Shipment of equipment for Kerneu Limited LLP of Embamunaigas JSC

15 July 2016

In July 2016 Center for Sets Completion TEHINVEST LTD shipped drainage tanks ЕП-12.5-2000-1300, ЕП-20-2400-900, ЕП-63-3000-1000 to Embamunaigas JSC for construction of the sulfur recovery unit of oil-associated gas of the Prorvinsk group of oilfields.  The Project provides treatment of oil-associated gas from hydrogen sulphide through separation of condensate with further transportation of treated gas to trunk gas pipeline “Central Asia Center”.



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